Step 1
Open a Microsoft office application. Click on "Start" in the main operating system menu. Next choose "Programs" from the start menu. Then select "Microsoft Office" from the programs menu. Finally pick the desired Microsoft application. For this example, choose "Microsoft Word."
Step 2
Select the appropriate document in Microsoft Word. Either open a new document by choosing the "Office" icon in the top left corner of Microsoft Word. Click the "New" option from the Office menu. Alternatively, open an existing document in Microsoft Word.
Step 3
Click on the "Styles Menu" and notice the gallery options on the right-click menu.
Step 4
Add the "Gallery" option to the quick access toolbar. On the right click menu, choose the option that reads, "Add Gallery to Quick Access Toolbar." This option makes the gallery option more accessible to the user.
Step 5
Remove an option from the gallery. Again, move the mouse over the gallery and right-click over the gallery. Next choose "Remove From Gallery" to effectively alter the gallery.
Step 6
Change the appearance of the document using the gallery option. Highlight the part of the document you want to change. Then choose the gallery option that fits the users' specific needs. This use of the gallery option is more trial and error. Experiment with different looks until the document has the appearance you want.