1.What is the main difference between win runner and Quicktestprofessional?
1.Data Table integration is much easier and simpler with Quick Test Pro.
2. Shared Object Repository
3.Detailed Report
4.Quick learning objects.
5.Data Driven Testing is easier with more options in Quick Test Pro.
6. Parameterization is much easier in Quick Test Pro and basically anything in Quick Test Pro can be parameterized (statements, checkpoints and the Object Repository).
2. What is object repository?
Object Repository is place which will have all the information about the object such as logical name and physical description of objects with tree view to see the hierarchy of the object.
3.What is the default wait time in QTP?
2 seconds
4.How do declare gloabal variable?
5.Is block of comments is possible in QTP?
6. How many check points are there ?What are they?
1. Standard Check points
2. Text Checkpoints
3. Text Area Checkpoints
4. Bitmap Checkpoints
5. Database Checkpoints
6. Accessbility Checkpoints
7. XML Checkpoints
7. What is extension of Library files?
8. What is extension of Object Repository files?
9. What is extension of Recovery files?
10.What do you run your library files in QTP?
11.What are the recording modes available in QTP?
Analog Recording , Low level recording.
12.How do you integrate with Test Director?
By using Testdirector connection wizard
13.What are the different types of Object repository?
1.Pre-action Repository
2. Shared Repository
14.What are the content of Result summary window?
1.Name of the Test
3.Result name
4.Run Started
5.Run Ended
15.Different types of View?
1. Tree view
2. Expert View
16.What are all the run modes available in QTP
1.Normal mode 2.Update mode
17.What is synchronization point?
synchronization points enable you to solve anticipated timing problems between the test and your application. For example , if you create a test that opens a database application you can put a synchronization point that cause the test to wait until the database records are loaded.
18.What is the use of WAIT method?
It stops the test for certain time limits.
Syntax : wait(time in seconds)
19. What is the difference between wait and synchronization point ?
synchronization point will wait for certain process to complete but the wait method will stop the test for specified time limit only.
20.what is Assistive properties ?
When the object has not been identified by mandatory properties then the Assistive properties are take place to identify the object.
21. How does the QTP recognize objects in the application?
By using Object Repository.
22.How do you select your choice from the list box?
Object.Select “Choice”