1. What is the DDL, DML, TCL
3. What are the Different data types
4. What are the DB Constraints?
5. What is the Primary Key and Foreign Key
6. What are DB objects
7. What is the View, Synonym, Index
8. What is the Join, what are the Different types
9. hat is meant by Equi Join ,Self Join, Outer Join
10. write a query to display the Employee who are getting salary 30000
11. To display the sal between 10000 and 30000, select * from emp where sal>=10000 and sal =30000;
12. To select 1000 ,2000 only from Sal. Select * from emp where sal in (1000,2000); in ( ) provides search of exact values.
13. Display the name employee starts with letter R .. select ename from emp where ename like ‘R%’ ;
14. elect ename having 4 letters…select ename from emp where ename like ‘----‘;
15. rite query who’s job is manger & sal =3000select * from emp wher job =’manger’ and sal = 3000;
16. How to get Highest second salary
17. What is Sub Queries, Order By, and Group By.
18. What is Having Class, Distinct, Concatenation
19. What is the Difference between Truncate and Delete?
20. What is the Diff between Union and Join?
21. What is Procedures, Packeges, Functions,Triggures (PL/SQL)